Sunday, June 28, 2009

Starting Today for Sweet Baby Mae

Hello sweet Mae Li,
I will address you now and again directly as I record our beautiful journey of life together. Today, we can be thankful for our wonderful friends Mrs. Tammy, Mrs. Candy and Mrs Grace, as well as your Auntie Stasea who encouraged me to start up my journaling for you again. They reminded me that it is more important to be consistant and not miss more days than it is to catch up. They also pointed out that this is for YOU. That really motivated me to not worry anymore, but to sieze every precious day from NOW on. So here we are and I am so happy to be here and to be celebrating the gift of your life this way.

We will meet here as often as possible with a cup of hot tea in hand to recollect and record the wonderful, crazy, fantastic, and beautiful happenings of our life together. We will include it all. The laughter as well as the tears and hopefully your mommy will succeed in leaving you a legacy of love letters. Tangeable memories for you to look back on and remember how much we love you and how proud we are of you. How you have blessed our lives so abundantly.
I love you my beautiful angel,